Legal info
Information provided according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Dr. jur. Hans G. Holly
Specialist attorney for labor law
Gartenweg 9
29342 Wienhausen / Celle, Germany
Phone +49 5149 / 987 60 60
Fax +49 5149 / 9 22 24
e-mail: laborlaw@docholly.de
German VAT No: DE 115083376
I am an attorney (in the Federal Republic of Germany) and am a member of the following bar association:
Celle Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer für den Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Celle)
Bahnhofstraße 5
29221 Celle, Germany
The following professional codes shall apply:
- BRAO – Federal Law Attorney Code
- BORA – Professional Code for Attorneys
- RVG – Attorney’s Compensation Act
- FAO – Specialized Attorney Code
- CCBE – Professional Code for Attorneys within the European Community
The individual professional codes may be viewed at the Federal Bar Association’s website: www.brak.de (partly available in English).
Professional liability insurance
Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, 10900 Berlin, Germany, c/o Gossler, Lübbers & Stahl, Privat- und Gewerbeversicherungs-Makler GmbH, Chilehaus B, Fischertwiete 1, 20095 Hamburg, Germany. The territorial scope of the insurance coverage extends to activities in the Member States of the European Union, and therefore meets the minimum requirements of the Federal Law Attorney Code (BRAO).
Liability disclaimer for external links: The content of websites to which the user is referred via hypertext links or in any other way has not been produced by me. I am not familiar with such content in detail, nor is it made available by me for use as my own or third-party content. I therefore neither warrant nor accept liability for the content of any website the user may be referred to via hypertext links or in any other way. The provision of such references is not based on any intent to enter into a legal transaction.
Commencement of an attorney-client relationship
An attorney-client relationship first arises upon agreement to accept a case in writing. If you contact us by mail, facsimile, or email, please also confirm by telephone that the documents have been received. Emails in particular sometimes fail to reach their intended recipient. Please note that merely sending documents to us does not oblige us to observe any relevant deadlines.
Email correspondence
Please be advised that emails may fail to reach their intended recipient, or may be amended or falsified. Conventional emails may be intercepted by third parties and therefore confidentiality may not be guaranteed. Confidential information and data should not be sent unencrypted by email
EU – Online Dispute Resolution
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